Sunday, August 21, 2016

Pesanan untuk diri dan dia

Take some rest if u r tired..
but plz do take some of your time to think over every single thing that happened in life..
there must always be some hikmah in every incidents..
Allah never test over us if we dont have enough strengths to face it..
so,it is us to ensure that we do the best & take some values in everything happened..
in order to be more mature & be strong in life..

"Stiap yg berlaku ad kebaikannya..harus pejam mata dan cuba apa saja"😘

Talking is the easiest way in life..
Going through is the hardest part in life..
But everything that we done is because we love each others..
Taking care between each others..
Lend shoulders to cry on..
Lend ears to listen every sadness thing..

It is ok to cry..
But whatever happened never ever give up..
Just let the hardest thing in life become memory and take value over it..
Keep moving and smile to face hardship in life past,present & future..
Keep smiling dear..

#coretan seorang manusia#coretan seorang kakak#coretan setelah sekian lama#my life#my choice#my decision#2016#